Jan 29, 2009

Look, it's a blog

I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. I really enjoyed blogging about my semester abroad in Costa Rica, and thought it might be nice to continue the practice back here in the good ol' U.S. of A. I put it off for various reasons (perceived lack of material and external interest, namely) and have finally decided to procrastinate no more.

Blogging from Costa Rica was a great way to keep my friends and family informed about my life without feeling like I was forcing them to be informed. It seemed to work, which was remarkable given how terrible I am at keeping in touch. With so many changes about to happen in my life (graduating from college, getting a job, getting married, and moving west--in that order) , it seems prudent to resurrect the blog. I figured I had better set it up now before things get crazy and I lose the motivation.

A sidenote: some of you may wonder as to the meaning of the blog URL. "Pickles and bleu" refers to a rather disgusting sandwich that I loved to make when I was about 4 or 5. I would place 6 dill pickle slices (the kind you put on hamburgers) on a piece of bread, cover the pickles in bleu cheese salad dressing, and top it off with a second piece of bread. I think I thought I was being creative, when in actuality I was slowly creating a deep fear of cooking with every disgusting sandwich.

So there you have it! Expect anecdotes, trivial and important; updates, brief and lengthy; and pictures; poorly drawn and photographed. All tempered with a certain smug tone and a dash of egocentrism.

Dear Alan Rickman,

I probably refer to you as Liam Neeson about three times a day, on average. I apologize for the mix-up. The real Liam Neeson has starred in such films as Schindler's List but thanks to me, several people are now under the impression that Mr. Neeson was also Professor Snape in Harry Potter and That Guy with the Head Thing and the Hammer in Galaxy Quest. Sadly, despite my recognition of this problem I am very likely to continue this pattern after a week's time, fully believing that I have corrected my error. My sincerest apologies. Oh, and if you see them, could you pass along my regrets to Tony Hawk, Lance Armstrong, Wayne Gretsky and Larry Bird, whom I cannot mentally picture as anything but identical, very athletic quadruplets (who may be third cousins with Bill Gates)?


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