Like most people, I have many more ideas of things I'd like to do than I have the time or motivation to do them. Hobbies, academic pursuits, books to read, games to play. There's a never ending queue of entertainment and self improvement that I will never make a dent in, yet I am powerless to stem its growth.
I have a particular weakness for crafty pursuits. I have done most types of crafts at least once in my youth, and for some reason I am infinitely overconfident in my skills with these crafts. I see something in a store or online that I like and I think, "I could make that and it would look just as good. And it would cost less and be totally rewarding." Some crafts are difficult to screw up or I've had more practice in them, so they go relatively well. Now that I've learned how to stop turning them into tubes, I can knit a pretty good scarf and have recently expanded to hats. Other crafts are new to me and don't serve as well - cake decorating has been a bit of a mess so far. This is very frustrating for me because I always have a clear mental image of what I want to achieve and don't understand why I can't produce that image on the first try. I just get way too ambitious for my own abilities.
The latest craft upon which I have foisted my unrealistic expectations is sewing. Now, I used to do quite a bit of sewing when I was rather young- I submitted handmade outfits to the county fair competitions and won, parading around in my victory outfit for weeks to come But that was a long time ago. Nevertheless, I have dreams of making clothes and curtains and pillows and everything textile for the rest of my life. Practically speaking, this would be life-changing if I could become great at this. I have a very difficult time finding clothes in my size that suit my taste. Most of what I do find is more expensive than I'd like. So why not sew my own perfect wardrobe for a fraction of the cost?
Rationally, I know this is far too much to expect of myself. But I'm a perfectionist and rather stubborn so I will maintain this vision until it is realized or until it sends me into an angry meltdown.
The first project to test this vision is a pretty, classic sundress I'm hoping to wear to at least one wedding this year. For some reason I'm going to blog about it. I invite you to follow along if this sort of thing interests you. Wish me luck!
Good luck, Tamtam. Sundress for success.